Knight of the Forgotten Realm's Steam page is now live!

It has been a bit over 1 year since development began on Knight of the Forgotten Realm. As someone with no prior game development, programming, or modeling experience, I dove straight into Unreal Engine 4 and hit the ground running. What I found was not only is game development fun, but I realistically could finish my project.

Being inspired by the likes of Deadlight and Dark Souls, Knight of the Forgotten Realm is a 2.5D side-scroller action RPG. The biggest announcement in this devlog is that the game is now on Steam! Yes, that's right, you can head on over to and wishlist the game right now. Every wishlist helps with the Steam algorithm and I greatly appreciate it. While there's no solid release date, what I can share is that the game will not release in 2022. My soft target is Q1 2023, but as a solo dev with a full time job and lots of other hobbies, that could change. What won't change is my devotion to this project. 

In 1 year, all of the basic systems have been implemented through Unreal Engine visual scripting known as Blueprints. This visual scripting method is battle tested and fairly easy to learn. In fact, it actually helped teach me how to read C++, so if you're struggling with learning how to code, maybe blueprints can be your gateway drug. Right now, the game has numerous progression systems such as Soul Enhancements, Soul Augments, Soul Integrity, and attributes. Combat wise the game went from an ability based hot bar system to a combo based system that now includes a Soul Overcharge system. Overcharging Vali's soul increases overall damage done and makes you look like a badass. 

Area wise, the Forbidden Forest has been expanded and is in refinement stage, meaning only slight changes will happen moving forward. The Abandoned Mine is also in refinement stage as well. AI is in a much better spot, but still has some quirks in their rotation capability, attack tracking, etc. This will be polished more as time goes on, but after the first year at least they're in a sufficient spot. Speaking of AI, Side Boss 1 was implemented with a mock special attack. That mock special attack will be revised in the coming months to be far better.

Overall, the game is coming along nicely and I hope you enjoy the video reflecting on the 1st year, why I chose Unreal Engine 4, and troubles I ran into throughout development. Alpha 2 will be up for about 1 more week as it no longer reflects the game due to the many changes that have occurred. If you wish to retain some early history of the game, be sure to download it!

Thank you so much for a fantastic 2021 and here's to an even better 2022!


Zach Sharpes of Helthurius Games

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